sasq Several aspects of sasquatch ecology--especially food habits, feeding behavior, nesting behavior and intimidation behavior--are discussed as a basis for use ... • Found on: Google, Bing, Yahoo! Search,
Dr. John Bindernagel, BFRO Curator Once the species is conclusively documented and better understood, the hypothetical model of Sasquatch ecology developed by this professional wildlife ... • Found on: Google, Bing, Yahoo! Search
sasq book was to provide readers with a more complete picture of sasquatch appearance , anatomy, food habits, and ecology based on existing, but not readily ... • Found exclusively on: Google
Bigfoot - Monstropedia - the largest encyclopedia about ... The late Grover Krantz noted these same points and offered a detailed proposal for Sasquatch ecology and social behavior (Krantz, 158-171). Critics suggest people may have
Predicting the distribution of Sasquatch in western North America ... meets the Sasquatch. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 21,. 60–61. Graham, C.H., Ferrier, S., Huettman, F., Moritz, C. & Peter- ... Data on sasquatch piling up May 12, 2007 ... In discussing sasquatch behavior and ecology based on hundreds of sightings reported by highly credible observers – including wildlife ... • Found on: Google, Bing, Yahoo! Search
The Sasquatch: An Unwelcome and Premature Zoological Discovery? New ideas regarding the similarity of sasquatch anatomy, behavior, and ecology, and the reports and track casts on which they are based, have been proposed ...
Molecular cryptozoology meets the Sasquatch - Elsevier Trends in Ecology & Evolution ? Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2006, ... Several high-profile Sasquatch sightings have recently been reported in Canada. ... • Found exclusively on: Google
Friday Abominable Snowman Molecular Phylogenetics Blogging Dave Coltman and Corey Davis, "Molecular cryptozoology meets the Sasquatch ", Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21 (2006): 60--61 [Free PDF] Both without abstract.