The never-ending quest for Bigfoot
In a recent phone interview, Matt Moneymaker, president and founder of the four-man team Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO)—the leading scientific research group that investigates Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch) sightings—said they go ...
Have A Yeti Yule!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
North American Bigfoot: Finding Bigfoot - The Game!
North American Bigfoot: Sneak Peek at Season 2's New York Expedition
North American Bigfoot: Sneak Peek at Season 2's New York Expedition
BFTDecember2011.pdf (3.15MB)
Number of downloads: 19BFTindexNov2011.pdf (373.29K)
10 New Preview Clips from Finding Bigfoot Season 2, with Follow-up Posts
Tim Stover Post-Mortem Examination of Deer, Not for the Faint of Heart [Bigfoot Kill]Scientists Ponder Santa's High-Tech Secrets Yahoo! NewsThe incredible science that goes into the annual globe circling gift deluge carried out by the mysterious resident of the North Pole and his helpers, not to mention his souped up reindeer, has not gone uninvestigated by physicists, engineers, mathematicians and the mavens of academia. Here's their take on what will make tonight's adventures of Santa Claus and his helpers possible. Like all important figures from history, even those who only show up once each year, Santa's ancestry has not gone unmarked, as Jeffrey Vallance shows in a report presented by Loren Coleman as Santa's Family Tree, with multiple images. And Coleman reveals what he and Patrick Huyghe described in their 1999 book The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates, detailing a Christmas Day incident from 1953, as noted in A Cryptid Christmas Story. Odor has much to do with the report and will come up again in this post, as you'll see below. But first there is more on the wee folk, of which Santa Claus is said to be one, in two reports resurrected by Richard Muirhead and presented as Hill of the Pixies Part One and Part Two. And please don't wrinkle up your nose when Dr. Beachcombing continues with his fairy fetish, wondering What Do Fairies Smell Of? The answer he exhumed from his enviable library isunexpectedly unforgettable. Even if you should be staying up late to catch Santa in the act tonight, catching a whiff of the "jolly old elf" and his helpers could keep you from nodding off. Just a few more notes on the elusive red-clad figure should prepare you for tonight's events, and you'll find some final notes in Jeff Belanger's report Santa is a Legend Not a Lie and the latest Micah Hanks online airing of The Gralien Report Podcast for December 21, 2011.
Snowshoe WV Bigfoot, first ever 3D video breakdown of Bigfoot footage
Executive producer of "Call Out: Search and Rescue" show says Todd Standing's episode probably ranks as one of the most outrageous
This Finding Bigfoot ad in Entertainment Weekly probably costs Animal Planet around $160,000 U.S. dollars
Book Review-Raincoast Sasquatch by Robert Alley
Executive producer of "Call Out: Search and Rescue" show says Todd Standing's episode probably ranks as one of the most outrageous
This Finding Bigfoot ad in Entertainment Weekly probably costs Animal Planet around $160,000 U.S. dollars
Book Review-Raincoast Sasquatch by Robert Alley
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tim Fasano starting Florida Bigfoot Organization, says his expeditions will be FREE
Jim LeBus says his team of survival experts can get the job done and prove once and for all that Bigfoot is real
Is this a Bigfoot grave? Arizona Bigfoot researchers think it's possible they bury their dead in these things
Jim LeBus says his team of survival experts can get the job done and prove once and for all that Bigfoot is real
Is this a Bigfoot grave? Arizona Bigfoot researchers think it's possible they bury their dead in these things
Local Residents Spot Bigfoot In West Virginia The Gazette
Just before Thanksgiving, two women headed to North Carolina say they spotted North America's favorite cryptid in West Virginia. Terri Bessler and Crystal Krieger say they sighted the creature heading up into the wooded mountains. So, would the Bessler/Krieger sighting involve the Eastern Bigfoot? Dale Drinnon has all you need to know about the Eastern Bigfoot, the possibility of relic populations of the Neandertal, the Almas of Eastern Europe, the Minnesota Ice Man and lots more, all dutifully illustrated, in Alexandr Fedenyow and The Face of Almasty is The Face Of the Eastern Bigfoot. And that leads to what's going on in the realm of television searches for the huge, hairy hominid, revealed by Oliver M. Pulumbarit in Still Unraveling the 'Bigfoot' Enigma. As an added treat, we'll throw in some natural history filmed by Thomas Shahan and posted by Greg Taylor at The Daily Grail as Aliens on Earth: The Arthropods.
Happy Coelacanth Discovery Day!
Happy Coelacanth Discovery Day!
HorrorPulse – The Hammer Vault and The Abominable Snowman Inside Pulse by Robert Saucedo on December 23, 2011 What happened to the Bigfoot horror movie? Once upon a time, an entire sub-genre thrived on a healthy fear of a race of hairy ape-men that lived just beyond civilization. From The Legend of Boggy Creek to the ... Reality show captures Bigfoot hunter's rescue Calgary Herald But his crew's experience with Todd Standing, Calgary's notorious “Bigfoot hunter,” which will be seen on the show Monday night when the program airs on the Knowledge Network, has to rank as the most outrageous. “What's happening in the rescues can ... |
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Still unraveling the 'Bigfoot' enigma In the Animal Planet show “Finding Bigfoot,” the group searches for the elusive titular creature (also known as Sasquatch, Yeti or Abominable Snowman) and goes on a cross-country expedition intended to answer questions posed by the old, ... |
Local Residents Spot Bigfoot In West Virginia… and 2012
Matt Moneymaker: If a live Bigfoot were to be discovered, caught and studied... [Finding Bigfoot]
Tim Stover finds dead deer with broken neck near tree [Bigfoot Kill]
Matt Moneymaker: If a live Bigfoot were to be discovered, caught and studied... [Finding Bigfoot]
Tim Stover finds dead deer with broken neck near tree [Bigfoot Kill]
P.S. Hopkinsville Twilight Language
More thoughts about the temporal links for August 21st involving Hopkinsville and Budd Hopkins. The other people links and "coincidences" include Bud Ledwith, the old CSI, Dover Demon, Hopkinsville, Isabel Davis, J. Allen Hynek, Jerome Clark, Kelly, Ted Bloecher, and Walt Webb. Elsewhere, despite a dearth of publicity, Champ still incites imagination and piques curiousity over the depths of Lake Champlain. A video report is posted at Legend of Loch-Ness-Like Monster "Champ" Endures. Most young anomalists caught the bug watching In Search Of... while the next Loren Colemen will cite Peter Grave's pronouncement of "This May Be The Most Startling Film You Ever See...." from David L. Wolper's classic The Mysterious Monsters. The topic at hand is the recurring imagery of the beloved hairy hominid, including a link to some Rule 34. Rounding out the bunch are a pair of reviews expounding upon Animal Magic: Paul Trout's Deadly Powers: Animal Predators and the Mythic Imagination and Pat Shipman's The Animal Connection: A New Perspective on What Makes Us Human. The books also touch upon predators of the imagination and other liminal creatures.
Title To Be Available As eBook
Title To Be Available As eBook
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Las Vegas promoter, internet radio host, and film producer Tom Biscardi investigating Bigfoot sighting in Paoli, Indiana
Ohio Bigfoot Hunter Tim Stover possibly leaving YouTube scene
Matt Moneymaker hints at Finding Bigfoot in Australia and other parts of the world for Season 3 [Video]
Mike Rugg gives us some examples of what the DNA results will reveal about Bigfoot
Recent Sighting Report: Witnesses driving through West Virginia spotted Bigfoot walking up truck ramp
“This May Be The Most Startling Film You Ever See….”
Thanksgiving Bigfoot Sighting in West Virginia
Ohio Bigfoot Hunter Tim Stover possibly leaving YouTube scene
Matt Moneymaker hints at Finding Bigfoot in Australia and other parts of the world for Season 3 [Video]
Mike Rugg gives us some examples of what the DNA results will reveal about Bigfoot
Recent Sighting Report: Witnesses driving through West Virginia spotted Bigfoot walking up truck ramp
“This May Be The Most Startling Film You Ever See….”
Thanksgiving Bigfoot Sighting in West Virginia
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Man who spotted gunshot wound and ponytail on Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot quits website
AWOLNATION and the Yeti
AWOLNATION and the Yeti
Ancient Knowledge About Snakes in Ireland Cryptozoology Online
The story of Saint Patrick driving the serpents from Ireland remains strong to this day. He couldn't have picked an easier place to perform his miracles because stories of those emerald shores being the antithesis of ophidians can be traced to the dawn of history and Richard Muirhead has the story. Loren Coleman continues with his 'best of' entries as he remembers the Top Ten Cryptozoology Deaths of 2011 whose invaluable contributions are recalled. Update: One more, Alexandr Fedenyow, 46, has died suddenly: Russian Hominologist Dies. Dale Drinnon, Finding Lost Letters From the Mailbag, decides it's time to catch up on readers comments regarding Makara, the Ozark Holwer, the Dobar-chu, and more. And at the Doubtful Newsblog, Sharon Hill contacted three bloggers who run popular Bigfoot-focused sites and asked them how and why they do what they do. Find out in Sasquatch watchers following Bigfoot blogs for the latest news on their favorite subject.
2 Events Coming this Winter and Spring!!!
Saturday, February 25
11:00am – 5:00pm Mountain Time (1:00 P.M. Eastern Time/12:00 Central)
Exclusively Online at
Speakers-John Bindernagel, Jeff Meldrum, Jaime Avalos, Jason Valenti, John Mionczynski, William Dranginis and William Allen Barnes, with a special guest for the Roundtable Discussion.
Pacific Northwest Conference on Primal People (Sasquatch) May 4-6th, Shiloh Inn, Richland, Washington
Speakers and guests-Bob Gimlin, Jaime Avalos, Thom Cantrall, Arla Collett Williams, Derek Randles, Kelly Milner-Halls, Igor Burtsev, Alex Evans, Paul Graves, Dr. Melba Ketchum, Ron Morehead, R. Scott Nelson, Ben Vasion and David Paulides.
All speakers are subject to change without notice.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Photo of the Day: Early stages of the Yeti [Humor]
What Randy Brisson is known for (and it's not his hair)
New Footage: Bigfoot in slow motion knocking a giant tree down
Sharon Hill's article about Bigfoot bloggers and why we what we do talks Bigfoot, Mormons, and Cain
What Randy Brisson is known for (and it's not his hair)
New Footage: Bigfoot in slow motion knocking a giant tree down
Sharon Hill's article about Bigfoot bloggers and why we what we do talks Bigfoot, Mormons, and Cain
Despite Plenty of Bigfoot Sightings – There Is Still No Evidence Top Secret Writers
Janet Winikoff starts off with a look at the Memorial Day experiences of some Bigfoot searchers in California - a video of the Sanger Paranormal Society's claims of Bigfoot evidence from the foray is included - before going on to document the responses, pro and con, concerning the possibility Bigfoot is real. Winikoff winds up citing the remarks of two heavyweights in the field of primate research, Jane Goodall and Dr. Jeff Melgrum. Dr. Melgrum was recently interviewed on a National Public Radio outlet, KUER and its "Radio West" program, and his responses were criticized by Brian Switek in an article entitled "The Squid and the Ape." The hour-long interview and an excerpt from Switek's critique can be found in Meldrum is Interviewed by NPR and is Criticized by Wired Magazine. Meanwhile, the Australian version of Bigfoot is back in the news, beginning with Revisiting the Mt George Yowie, a replay of an incident that was inspired by law enforcement claims Yowie May Have Been 'Most Wanted' Fugitive. Elsewhere, Roland Watson, author of The Water Horses of Loch Ness, continues to keep a close eye on events on the Scottish lake, like the September photography offered by fish farm worker Jon Rowe, with Watson's latest offering on the photography and the legendary beast of Loch Ness appearing in Final Thoughts on the Jon Rowe Photograph.
Retired USA Forest Ranger Knows Sasquatch is real.
Monster In The Woods (DVD Trailer 2010)
Retired USA Forest Ranger Knows Sasquatch is real.
Monster In The Woods (DVD Trailer 2010)
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