Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Review MNBRT Radio 3 19 10
YouTube - possible print.avi

Bigfoot's Blog: Letter To A Young Squatcher, Discussion W/a Skeptic - The Search For Bigfoot Forum
From today's maverick science corner of the news: The finding of the diminutive Homo floresiensis bones on the Indonesian island of Flores didn't end the mysteries of humanity's occupation of the island. A discovery of a primitive human settlement on the island was made in conjunction with the discovery of the Hobbit remains. Excavations at the site where primitive tools were found have established a date for the site 120,000 years older than any previous human occupation of the island and has cast doubt on the previous belief that the arrival of humans led to the extinction of several native animal species. The find has also led scientists to speculate that there may be even more ancient indications of human habitation to be found on Flores. There's also news today concerning what some believe is evidence of ancient Hebrews visiting New Mexico, as explained in Explained? New Mexico's Hebrew Ten Commandments. With photo.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

MNBRT Radio for 3-19-10.wmv

YouTube - The Return of Jordan Warner!


On June 4th at 5 p.m. Sali, Autumn and Thom will all be at the Museum of Unfine Art located at 537 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97401-2614 - (541) 683-7357.They will be there speaking about their history with Sasquatch.

Autumn will also be reading exclusively from her new book Enoch.

This is also a chance for you all to present some of your finest Bigfoot Art- Whatever medium you work with, get out to us and show it off. Contact me here, or the owner of the Museum of Unfine Art, Sean Mediacast. The number is listed above to reach him.

We will be taking pieces until the 15th of May.

If you have to mail it out, please do so to Sean's address as well.

Hope to see you all there.

Toby Johnson
A UFO Digest Spotlight on New England's Bigfoot
Dr. Karl Shuker exposes more of the creatures natives of Madagascar have reported. From giant lemurs to a giant catlike creature, Madagascar, the large island off Africa's southeastern coast, could still be harboring animals found in the fossil record but believed to have become extinct. Elsewhere,The Blogsquatcher shows a map of his own experiences with Bigfoot evidence related to what is being reported in the area now, in Weird Pennsylvania. The mapping follows this news item by Dave Zuchowski: New Rash of Bigfoot Sightings Reported Across Fayette County. Meanwhile, Lindsay Selby reports on a possible Vermont cryptid in Lake Willoughby Monster, and Loren Coleman offers plenty of video in Boggy Creek Trailer and Cryptozoology Milestone, saluting his many years of service investigating the existence of mystery animals.
Ride on the weird side
Fayette County Penn. might be most likely place to find Bigfoot

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Review-Monsterquest 3-17-10.wmv

New website from Jaime Avalos
Episode 139: Bigfoot Discovery M...

The Dobharchu Cryptomundo
With the St. Patrick's Day celebration upon us, guest contributor Paul Burns brings us the tale of a fiendish Irish cryptid that graces the tombstone of Grace Connolly, said to have been devoured by the beast while bathing in County Sligo's Glencade Lake on September 22, 1722. Is a Dobharchu buried near Ireland's famous Benbulben? With images. Meanwhile, Nick Redfern updates the "Texas Chupacabras" expedition underway with two stalwarts from the Centre for Fortean Zoology, as related, with photos, in Jon D in Texas.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Updates on Crypto-TV-RIP Peter Graves.wmv

Sierra Sasquatch: Habituation Dissected
Episode 138: Bigfoot Discovery M...
Loren Coleman explains what's ahead for fans of "MonsterQuest" in this week's episode, with images and video. The popular program will address whether there are some "family units of Sasquatch" and whether difference in sizes of footprint casts indicate the presence of "juvenile Sasquatch." The episode will air Wednesday night. And, in another programming note, Coleman adds "Destination Truth" to the lineup of television shows to watch on the eve of your favorite Irish celebration inHappy St. Patrick's Day ~ DT vs MQ.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day ~ DT vs MQ
Sierra Sasquatch: The Last Call Blast For MQ?
Review Sasquatch Watch Radio 3-15-10-Reminder for Mon