Friday, April 15, 2011

Animal Planet finds Bigfoot
The channel has 12 returning and 14 new series lined up for the year, including Finding Bigfoot, a new entry that follows the efforts of a small but eccentric team of researchers on the hunt for the elusive creature. Hour-long episodes of Detroit ...

Micah Hanks compares an early 20th century illustrator's depiction of the epic opponent of the heroic Beowulf, the monstrous Grendel, to reports of Bigfoot and photos snapped in Florida eleven years ago of the Myakka Skunk Ape. With images. Elsewhere, Hanks takes a look into other perceptions, as in some Bigfoot photographic claims, with Realm of the Blobsquatch: Paranormal Monsters or Pareidolia? Meanwhile, recent efforts to trace the history of the thylacine are detailed in Searching for the Tasmanian Tiger in PNG. And last night's episode of a fictional television series with a cryptozoological theme casts a character with a curious name, as reported by Loren Coleman in L. Coleman Appears On "Bones", with images.

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