Friday, February 25, 2011

Sonya Harvey reviews the new DVD "Eyes of the Mothman" from Virgil Films that's supposed to cut through the clutter around the odd events that seemed to permeate the small community of Point Pleasant, WV, during the period 1966 - 67. The documentary, according to Harvey, attempts to "cover all possible angles of the still-unsolved mystery" and "at least succeeds in formulating every feasible explanation one could fathom." From the curse of Chief Cornstalk, to Men In Black, to a mutated Sandhill Crane, to UFOs, to Woodrow Derenberger's telepathic communication with the strangely garbed Indrid Cold, to the Silver Bridge collapse - Harvey says it's all in the film. But does any of that explain the bigeyed, winged being that set the mystery in motion? Elsewhere, a sighting of a huge, hairy hominoid 32 years ago has a Cricket, NC, man organizing a March 5, 2011, hunt for the creature, as reported in Bigfoot Search Is On In Wilkes County, with videos. Meanwhile, Loren Coleman collects what is known from news sources about reports of a large, melanistic feline roaming in the vicinity of The Big Easy, with images, inLouisiana Panther Hysteria: Fever Pitch.

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