Wednesday, September 09, 2009

A team of explorers is getting set to adventure into the wilds of Sumatra with team leader Adam Davies, cryptozoologist and author of Extreme Expeditions: Travel Adventures Stalking the World's Mystery Animals. Davies and his companions will be seeking the elusive Orang Pendek with the help of the native Kubu people who have often witnessed the bipedal hairy hominoid in the rainforests. They will also be attempting to document the existence of other cryptids reported by the Kubu, such as large horned snakes and golden cats with out-sized canine teeth. With images. Meanwhile, at Cryptozoology Online, a website of the United Kingdom's Centre for Fortean Zoology (CFZ), Davies shares His Hopes for the Expedition. Several CFZ members are accompanying Davies on the Sumatra trek. Elsewhere, there's now a video news report about America's huge hairy hominoid at CNN: Backyard Bigfoot?

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