Wednesday, April 22, 2009

An unidentified animal attack on four villagers in Ballia, an agricultural area in the region of Lucknow, India, has authorities scratching their heads. The area is quite a distance from any forests, leading officials to rule out a leopard attack. The latest theory is that a "fisher cat" perpetrated the attacks in the village that's surrounded by wheat fields. Is this a case for the cryptozoologists? Meanwhile, at Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman posts an excellent analysis in "Dead Bigfoot Photo," More; and takes a look back for news about the Honey Island Monster Hoax. Elsewhere, the hoax claim comes out in commentary about another supposed "creature" in the forgetomori posting, Quives Stick-figure Alien: Indeed, a Plant.

Marjorie Halpin on Trial The Blogsquatcher
The 1980 book Manlike Monsters on Trial: Early Records and Modern Evidence, edited by Marjorie Halpin and Michael Ames, gets an analysis in this post that takes exception with several points in the tome, particularly Halpin's belief that those who have sighted Bigfoot are probably experiencing their subconscious in action, relaying an expectation shaped by myth and legend. But, what about the physical Bigfoot evidence? With one group of skeptics, the authors who contributed to this book, out of the way, so to speak, attention shifts to repudiating more skeptical claims, as Peter Fotis Kapnistos, at BlackRaiser Reporter, takes on James Randi and others for reasons involving a totally different phenomenon, as seen in Uri Geller and the YouTube Smear.

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