Monday, December 10, 2007

Review: Squatch Detective Radio 12-10-07

This was a wonderful show, with myself, Sean Forker, Bill Green and Darin Richardson as roundtable discussion guests. We discussed such things as DNA, the kill/no-kill issue, some of the things found on expedition by Steve and the team he is with and other things. There was discussion and debate about a cow which was found killed by something in Alabama, with a broken neck and dislocated jaw. Don Keating called in and debated the dead cow issue with Steve and the rest of the panel, but was very respectful. Some thought Steve sounded a bit perturbed, but he sounded fine to me. Anyway, great show. Don't know what's on the schedule for next week, but it should be a good one, 9:00 EST/8:00 Central at the link to the right. As always, we do encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey henry everyone wowww thats was a intense new sasquatch segment indeed A++++. opinions please. thanks bill