Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Review: Bigfoot Quest 11-27-07

This was Bob Coyne's debut show, and it was a great one, with special guest-co-host Mike Killen (AKA The Long Island Yeti) and guest Chris Julian, who discussed Sasquatch Research in the Northeast and New England, and Chris had supplied some sound clips for the show of unusual vocalizations. I called in early in the show and stayed on for most of the program, discussing things like the sounds as well as some more recent news and the upcoming Monsterquest show tonight on the History Channel, as well as promoting Annette Jones' show which came on in the following hour with Melissa Hovey (more on that in the next review). It was a great debut show, and we are proud to have Bob under the SQuatchMEDIA Productions banner. I look forward to next Tuesday night when Bob has another great program and another great guest. The show starts at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central and can be found at the link to the right. As always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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