Thursday, September 27, 2007

Review: Let's Talk Bigfoot 9-26-07

Melissa Hovey and Sam Rich interviewed Ron Morehead of Sierra Sounds fame, asking him various questions as what kind of studies were done on the recordings, where the location of the camp was/is, which investigators looked into investigating the recordings and the area in which they were taken and various other things. Ron said that he and Peter Byrne went there once in the '90's, and that Alan Berry and Byrne went there in the '70's to investigate. Ron also played some of the sounds, such as a grunting and hooting display, and also a whistling display which was instigated by Warren Johnson. Footprints were also found in the vicinity, and brief glimpses were made of the creatures by almost everyone except Berry. It was a great show, full of great information. I truly enjoyed it. The next guest will be Jason Valenti next Wednesday night at 10:00 EST/9:00 Central at the link to the right. As always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

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