Friday, August 17, 2007

An Explanation

The last two months have been pretty uneventful in terms of new Sasquatch information. Due to the lack of fresh material - we opted to have a Bigfoot Research legend on the show, by the name of Peter Byrne.

On two occassions we have promoted him on the show, both times we have had him on the phone lines only to lose connection. Subsequent calls directed us right to his voice mail, leaving us "stuck in the mud". So - we did what we also do, a discussion show.

Now some anonymous idiot in the chatroom decided to tote about the suggestion that we are "using Byrne's name for ratings". Well, I assure you that is not the case - and 97.43% percent of the time - we deliver on our guests.
[Sidenote: I will no longer accept any comments made by anonymous sources. Be proud enough to defend your stance and put your name on it. Cowards!]

We are Live Radio, and from time to time these things happen. So we do the best we can with what we got. Take it or leave it. I am not begging for listeners. I am offering this explantion to our loyal listeners - who tune in everyweek (and yes we have our core) and give us a chance to give them a great show. Do we always deliver - depends on your point of view, but at least we give it our best.

We will endeavor to get Peter Byrne on the show again - 100% Officially confirmed this time by the Booking Office - sometime in near future. Until then - I hope you all tune in each and every Sunday Night at 9pm ET -
The Sasquatch Experience Radio Show .

Thank you all, and oh- Keep on Squatchin'

-SF and Crew

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