Thursday, January 12, 2006

Theories (What is Bigfoot)

The Gigantopithecus Theory
Until a bigfoot is caught, killed, or found we will not know for sure what bigfoot is. A popular theory with researchers right now is that Bigfoot is a serviving decendant of Gigantopithecus Blacki. The Gigantopithecus, said to be a giant ape, is believed to have died out 400,000 years ago. In 1935 G.H.R. Von Koenigswald discovered some large fossil teeth in an apothecary shop in Hong Kong. The shop owner claimed they were dragons teeth. Since then 3 jaw bones were found and over one thousand teeth. These are the only bones of Gigantopithecus that we have. There is a debate as to wether Gigantopithecus walked erect or on all fours. The lower jaw bone seems to indicate that Gigantopithecus was bipedal.
Dr. Grover Krantz believes Bigfoot is a decendant of Gigantopithecus. He explains bellow.
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Transcription of Dr. Krantz's apearance on Arthur C. Clarks Mysterious Universe. 1980
I think bigfoot is an animal we already know from the focil record. I'll show you a specimen here. This is a cast of the lower jaw a what we call the Gigantopithecus. This lived in china about a half million to a million years ago. I'd like to compare this with the gorilla. This is a cast of a gorilla's skull so you can see the size of this thing. This was an animal that probably weighed about 400 pounds in the wild. And just looking at the lower jaw alone. What's perhaps most interesting is from the underside of the jaw, there's a diference. In the gorilla the two sides of the jaw spreads only modestly as you go back, because the gorillas neck is so far behind the lower jaw. If that neck were move foward, the jaw would have to widen to make space. In the gigantopithecus, the jaw is spreading at a much wider angle and the only obvious reason for that is the neck is in the way and that means that the head was set on top of the body instead of hung foward and it's a fair persumption that this was an errect bipedal animal. So we end up with the description of gigantopithecus being an erect biped, standing perhspd 8 feet tall weighing about 800 pounds and being presumably covered with hair, this was to early to have cultural activity, probaly no more inteligent than an ape, and this of course is an exact discription of the living sasquatch.
giganto and human jaw
An adult male Gigantopithecus jaw compared with a human jaw.
The hominid Versus Ape Debate
The majority of researchers believe that Bigfoot is a hominid. But this seems to contradict the Gigantopithecus theory. The reason for this is that there is very little fosil remains of most of the known hominids and even far less of Gigantopithecus. If Bigfoot turns out to be related to one of the known hominids, It will most likely be related to Australopithecus(Paranthropus) robustus.
The Alien and Psychic Theories
There are a growing number of reports of Bigfoots being sited on or near UFOs or acompaning UFO occupants(Aliens). Most researchers do not bother with them, considering it to be nonsense or irrelevent, believing Bigfoot to be a flesh and blood terestrial animal native to this planet. There is no evidence whatsoever to conclude that Bigfoot is alien. I do not believe Bigfoot is alien, however I do not discount the possibility that there may be some truth to some of these reports. Because of the lack of any evidence aside from these reports, I can only offer my own theories.
If UFOs and alien abductions are occuring, it is not unlikely that alien contact with bigfoot does occur. Bigfoot, being a much more primative and less culturaly developed hominid than man, would enjoy the benifit of a much more conscient and interactive relationship with these highly advanced and technologicaly superior exterestrial race of beings. A primative race of hominids would not have a complex and structured social order that can be threatened, they do not have media and advanced comunications that could spread panic and disinformation, they can not be corupted by the missuse of advanced technology(what would bigfoot do with an antimatter powered gravity wave generator? Throw it at a deer. Bang it against a tree). They may not even understand what the aliens are. Bigfoot is already in the company of more advanced beings than themselves, man. The diference being that aliens have the capabilties to find and comunicate with bigfoot. I am in no way saying that bigfoot is not inteligent. They are just not as technologicaly and culturaly advanced as humans.
As for Bigfoot being telepathic, that may be residual capabilities developed from alien contact(if that does occur). Perhaps Bigfoot is more in tune with nature and with themselves that they can telepath. I personally feel that bigfoot is no more telepathic than humans are. The ability to telepath may be present in both humans and bigfoot. There is no evidence of telepathy between bigfoot and humans or between themselves in any of the credible eyewitness reports that I am familiar with. At this stage in Bigfoot research, telepathy is irrelevent.
Disapearing and teleporting into other dimensions is well beyond my limit of belief. I find these claims totaly ridiculous. The same goes for Bigfoot being able to astral project and controling the weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a bit of a different theory towards Bigfoot/Sasquatch. I think, that a long time ago when humans looked a lot less like they do today, there was maybe a few groups of them who didn't evolve with the rest of us, but evolved in a different way. The charts I have looked at show that before humans really started to evolve, we looked like apes basically and were quite short. What if the creatures we call bigfoot are groups of people who didn't evolve like most of us did? I just thought it would be something to consider. And the fact that these creatures are found in different parts of North America I would assume that that helps my theory.

Please let me know your comments!
++I'm not sure if this theory has already been laid out on the table, but I thought I'd offer it up. I'm pretty sure it is my theory, so please, don't take it....