Take either plaster or Hydro cal First take an empty bucket, then fill it 1/4 full with water.
Get a smaller plastic cup and a mixing spoon.
Add a cup of plaster or hydro call one cup at a time. Mix it until it is a little bit thicker than a milk shake consistency.
Use the spoon to help pour it into the track and spread around until it sets, probably about 2 to 3 hours. Once the back is hard, use the spoon to lift around the edges. Then flip it over and let the other side set. Casting is VERY easy.
There are alot of conditions that apply here. But this is something that I use when making duplicates of casts with moulds. The consitency can be thicker or thiner depending upon the ground conditions. My best advice is to learn for yourself and practice, practice, practice.
The best advice I can offer is to practice. The advice I offered Henry is based upon what I've done using latex and silicone molds to make duplicate casts. You can run into varying conditions that may require you to use different consitencies of thickness of the hydro cal or plaster. I use a bucket with water in it, add the hydrocal/plaster mix out the bubbles and pour slowly using the spoon to slow the flow of the mixture. I allow it to set for that long to ensure the cast is dry and can be taken out of the ground. Everybody has different ways of casting. My best advice is to practice, practice practice.
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