Monday, March 19, 2007

Review: Squatch Detective Radio 3-19-07

This was a wild controversial show, with the one and only Jon-Erik Beckjord, who took on mostly Sean Forker, but I also called the show and threw in some jabs here and there. Beckjord was quite controversial and confrontational and mostly discussed the possibility of a Sasquatch's tracks disappearing in the middle of a field of snow. Sean pretty much hammered Beckjord pretty hard with the facts, and Beckjord finally threw in the towel 10 minutes early. Very wild and controversial, and great for a laugh. Beckjord represents the "lunatic fringe," as the late Grover Krantz described it. Still, very intriguing and controversial. Steve's next show will have Sierra Sounds pioneer Ron Moorhead next Monday night at 9:00 EST at Please tune in and support great research.


Anonymous said...

hey henry everyone this was definetly a very pithy funny etc great radio show a real debate of sorts... against eb & researchers. thanks bill :)

Henry May said...

It was an interesting show, wasn't it, Bill? Thanks for your support.

Anonymous said...

Henry - be honest and list your name and email.


Anonymous said...

ghost of bigfoot - be honest and post yours douche bag.