Saturday, March 28, 2009

Review: Inspector 12 Open-Forum: The Patterson/Gimlin Film 3-28-09

This was a GREAT show, about the Patterson/Gimlin Film, where I was for the most part on the show discussing the film and also other aspects of Bigfoot with the host. We talked about the various claims and counter-claims with the film, as well as about Ray Wallace, the pre-1958 reports, the Memorial Day footage, Jeff Meldrum, Grover Krantz and other aspects and personalities. Bill Green also called in and gave his two cents of opinions. The show will be archived at Internet internet radio shows and youtube internet radio by inspector12 | BlogTalkRadio

1 comment:

  1. Yes,it was a great show. I listened and was glad that you were there to set the record straight. I have heard many, without complete knowledge,speak on the film and the events surrounding those few weeks. It is good that you were there to make sure the truth was told. Great show, of the best sasquatch shows of the past few weeks ended up coming from a show that isnt totally sasquatch related LOL. Take care Henry
