Friday, December 05, 2008

Review: Beyond The Edge Radio 12-5-08

This was a terrific show, with guests John and Kelly Weaver of the Spirit Society of Pennsylvania, who discussed their ghost investigations, as well as UFO investigations, along with a project called Museum of Mysteries that John is part of. I called in during the first hour and asked John and Kelly about residue hauntings and also about objects going missing for a short period of time, then reappearing about ten minutes later, as what happened with me several years ago. The second hour was devoted to EVPS, some pretty creepy ones at that, saying things like "Get out of my house," "Emma make water," "Emma is here," "Time to go" and other sayings, which were pretty clear. Next Friday, Sean, Monica and Eric welcome Mark Nesbit, Patty Wilson and Scott Crownover, Ghost investigators, beginning at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

1 comment:

  1. Well,spirits and ghosts are not my thing but I will be watching for news on our hairy friends and also like some lake monsters and UFOs..but just cant get into anything like ole Squatch..LOL. Take care the blog.
