Friday, June 15, 2007


Todd Neiss,
I personally was disappointed in the way Greg chose to present his case on Saturday at the IBS meeting. He immediately launched into a pathetic tirade aimed squarely at his critics. How dare they question his assertions?!! The adamantly defensive Mr. Long, sweating profusely throughout the two hour session, read from a prepared script (at least 15 pages in length) without allowing any questions from the audience until the end (some 45 minutes later). Even then it was difficult to get a word in edgewise. Yours truly was eventually told that I was asking too many questions. I must have hit a nerve or two. It was difficult to idly sit by while he let loose a string of assumptions and accusations, much of which was refutable if not circumstantial at best. Not only did Mr. Long viscously attack the late Roger Patterson (who could hardly defend himself), but he also attacked a number of prominent researchers (ie. Coleman, Byrne, Meldrum, Krantz, Keating, Green, Short, etc.). No one was spared, including the audience present, as he relegated the entire Bigfoot community to that of "a cult." He chided the field (meaning you and I), for not employing a more conventional scientific approach (I thought this was supposed to be specifically about the authenticity of the P/G film...guess not). He went so far as to cast dispersions on both Bob Gilmin and Patricia Patterson. Their crime? Refusing to give Mr. Long an interview (Ah ha...they must be hiding something)! When someone asked Greg if he were afraid of being sued for slander and defamation, Long smirked, "Bring it on! It will just sell more books!" The only researcher that seemed to escape Greg's acidic tongue was the late Rene Dahinden, whom he selectively quoted when it fit his agenda. In a "clever" bit of salesmanship, Mr. Long would start several threads which begged an answer (usually by presenting his argument it in the form of a question), only to leave everyone hang- ing only to insist that we would have to buy his book to get the answer (pass the snake oil). In all fairness, I applaud Greg's willingness to walk into the "lion's den" on Saturday (afterward I privat- ely told him as much). Even so, he came prep-ared to insult everyone in the room...and he did.
When asked, "Where is the alleged suit?" he admitted he doesn't know. When asked if he had ever been to the P/G film site, he admitted he had not. When I asked him, "If Patterson perpetua-ted a hoax, why didn't he admit to it on his death bed?" Greg merely quipped that Roger was a pathological liar to the very end (no "GOT-CHA?"). He had the audacity to declare that the onus was not his to prove any of his assertions, but rather up to all of us to prove him wrong. To prove that a something never took place over 36 years ago is akin to proving that Venus isn't made out of Swiss cheese. To wit, if you can't prove it isn't, then it must be so because I say so.
He also teased us with the possibility that there will be an attempt to recreate the P/G film staring none other than Bob Hieronimous as the immortal "Patty!" When he announced that he would be a technical advisor on the stunt, I pressed him to insure that the suit used would be true to the original. "Greg...since you said you are going to be an advisor on this recreation attempt, are you willing to openly announce, here and now, that you will insist that the costume they use is one based upon 1967 technology?" His hesitant reply was, "I'll try."
In the final analysis, Mr. Long's seemingly well researched witch hunt, seemed to take the easy road by joining the majority of skeptics who poo-poo even the notion that such a creature can even exist. Unfortunately, the foundation of his case is based on hearsay and his self-proclaimed superior skills of judging character. I hope, for Mr. Long's sake, that someone doesn't investigate his private background for skeletons. His attempt at character assassination makes himself a prime candidate for just such an inquisition. Since he openly admitted to being privy to all of the online discussion groups (lurking?), I will assume that he will read this letter as well. So to you I say, I hope your house is not made of glass my friend. Beast Regards,Todd Neiss Independent Researcher/Investigator, Portland, Oregon

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