This book compiles several research papers from different authors, some of which were read at the Anthropology of the Unknown Conference at the University of British Columbia in 1978 while others were published previously in the Northwest Anthropological Research Notes Journal. Papers are published from editors Krantz and Markotic (Krantz has about 3 of his papers published here); Dmitri Bayanov and Igor Bourtsev have about 2 or 3 of their papers published as well, including a really excellent paper on the Patterson/Gimlin Film; Gordon Strasenburgh who also writes a really good paper on the P/G Film; John Green with an excellent paper on the Hominoids of China; Jay Miller; Grant Keddie; Loren Coleman; Carleton Coon; Marie Jeanne-Kaufmann and several others have papers published in this volume. This volume completes the publishing of papers not previously published in another volume, Manlike Monsters on Trial, but those who have both this and that volume have the complete picture of the contents of the first Bigfoot Conference ever held anywhere. I highly recommend purchasing this volume and, if you do not have it, Manlike Monsters on Trial to have a more complete record of these rare papers. Only thing that concerns me about this volume is the spelling errors, which there are a few of in here, but that does not really take away from this true treasure trove of information. I would give this one a solid 9 1/2 out of 10 stars.