Saturday, September 19, 2009
3 Shows Tomorrow...
MN.B.R.T. Radio & The FirstBillyJack (Ed Welch)
Date / Time: 9/20/2009 6:00 EST/5:00 PM Central
Category: Fun
Call-in Number: (914) 803-4401
Billy Willard
Nite Callers
Date / Time: 9/20/2009 7:00 EST/6:00 PM Central
Category: Paranormal
Call-in Number: (646) 716-4530
HBM's Crypto-Corner
HBM's Crypto-Corner
Date / Time: 9/20/2009 9:30 EST/8:30 PM Central
Category: Paranormal
Call-in Number: (347) 327-9811
[ Posted September 13, submitted by staff. Viewed 345 times. ]
Reviews: The Bigfoot Field Reporter/Bigfoot;America's King Kong 9-18-09
On Bigfoot: America's King Kong, the guest was former police forensics officer Jimmy Chilcutt, who discussed his expertise with fingerprinting, including applying his skills not only to human suspects, but also to primates. He also discussed how he got into using his fingerprinting expertise with Sasquatch tracks by seeing a program with Dr. Jeff Meldrum who was discussing dermal ridges, which launched Chilcutt into interest in Sasquatch dermal ridges. I called in and asked Jimmy about the Onion Mountain cast and that I had seen on a website where someone had said it looked like a butterknife was scraped on the cast or the footprint itself. He said he was not aware of that. I also discussed the work of Matt Crowley and asked Jimmy his opinion of it, as well as discussing the 20 years apart casts which had the same ridge flow texture (those were the Onion Mountain and Walla Walla Casts). Not sure what Jordy and Abe have planned for next week, but it begins at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central. And as always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.