Saturday, March 24, 2007


The Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton,CA
presents the first bigfoot event of 2007 in Northern California !

Saturday, June 30, 2007
Felton & Santa Cruz , CA
Featuring a presentation by
Dr. Jeff Meldrum
“Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science”
A one-hour lecture followed by a short question & answer session
And a full hour to meet & greet Dr. Meldrum and fellow bigfooters after the talk.
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Louden Nelson Center , 301 Center Street , Santa Cruz , CA
Tickets: $10/adult, $7/museum members, students, seniors, $5 children 12 and under
For ticket reservations please contact the Bigfoot Discovery Museum
Weekends from 10 am – 6 pm pdt at (831)335-4478
Or email
The museum will have special activities and displays during the day. We plan on having Dr. Meldrum available for an hour in the early afternoon for a book signing at the museum. He will also have footprint casts available for sale as well as copies of his book, “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.”
We hope you can make it! It’s the first big event for our local bigfoot museum!
You probably already know someone who is a member…we’d like you to come and join us for this special gathering of bigfooters on June 30th! Make your plans now to be here for this special event!

"Best Evidence"

It is one of the most enduring unresolved mysteries. Is the missing link between early humans and apes alive today in the dense temperate forests of the Pacific Northwest? In 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin were investigating reports of Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings in the Bluff Creek area of Northern California. They struck gold when their film camera captured a 22-second shot of an alleged female Bigfoot before she disappeared into the woods. Most scientists believe that this film record and a set of footprint casts that accompany it are an elaborate hoax. But a few self-proclaimed experts make the opposite, startling claim. To them, it reveals compelling proof of a living human-ape. We consulted with numerous researchers and professionals — from anthropologists to orthopaedic surgeons to a famous special effects makeup artist — to evaluate some of the best evidence. Also, we obtained four casts from the Smithsonian Institution as well as the shaky Patterson-Gimlin film. Using new digital video enhancement and stabilization techniques, as well as the expertise of Stanford University's Gait Laboratory, BEST EVIDENCE examines the film creature's costume, posture and gait frame-by-frame against the movements of an actor in a suit. The results will surprise even the most skeptical viewer.
Premiere: Feb. 1, 2007

Sasquatch Experience Lite Tonight.../Link to Virtual P/G Movie cast

Our show tonight will be a discussion of the recent interviews on Bigfoot Live with Tom Biscardi with Greg Long, Philip Morris and Bob Heironimus. The show starts at 9:30 EST/8:30 Central and can be found at As always, please tune in and support great research. UPDATE-Show cancelled for tonight, but we will resume this Sunday, March 25th, at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central with ABS President Melissa Hovey.

  • Virtual Footprint from the Patterson/Gimlin Movie

  • Tuesday, March 20, 2007

    Review: Squatch Detective Radio 3-20-07

    This was a short, 30-minute show with Steve and Sean Forker discussing the events of the evening before with EB. They pretty well explained all the controversy from the night before and really brought out into the open the animosity towards EB. It was a fun and informal show which seemed to clear the air. Steve's guest next Monday will be Sierra Sounds Pioneer Ron Moorhead. The show starts at 9:00 EST and can be found at As always, please tune in and support great research.

    Sean Forker on SquatchDetective Radio Tonight!!!

    Breaking News - 9:05pm EST

    After the fallout from last nights explosive show, Sean Forker will join Steve Kulls on SquatchDetective Radio to address the situation, and get Sean's insights into what caused the awful breakdown between himself and Erik Beckjord.

    Monday, March 19, 2007

    The Lunatic Fringe

    Many Sasquatch researchers believe, as I do, that Sasquatch is a large, undiscovered primate, a Great Ape species living in North America. However, there are those individuals who believe some pretty weird things about these creatures. There are those who believe that Sasquatch is an extraterrestrial from outer space, sent here to check out humans. There are also those who believe that Sasquatch is an interdimensional being, who can shapeshift and appear and disappear at will. There are even those who claim multiple encounters with these creatures in their own minds, being able to communicate with them through ESP. These individuals are in a group called the "lunatic fringe", and they seem to be very pervasive and omnipresent. They seem to get a lot of press and TV coverage, which hurts the efforts by legitimate Sasquatch researchers, because it makes the legitimate efforts look bad, and makes us all look crazy. It's no wonder the media thinks so lowly of Sasquatch! Unfortunately, we have to deal with these individuals, no matter how much we may wish they'd go away.

    Review: Squatch Detective Radio 3-19-07

    This was a wild controversial show, with the one and only Jon-Erik Beckjord, who took on mostly Sean Forker, but I also called the show and threw in some jabs here and there. Beckjord was quite controversial and confrontational and mostly discussed the possibility of a Sasquatch's tracks disappearing in the middle of a field of snow. Sean pretty much hammered Beckjord pretty hard with the facts, and Beckjord finally threw in the towel 10 minutes early. Very wild and controversial, and great for a laugh. Beckjord represents the "lunatic fringe," as the late Grover Krantz described it. Still, very intriguing and controversial. Steve's next show will have Sierra Sounds pioneer Ron Moorhead next Monday night at 9:00 EST at Please tune in and support great research.

    Squatch Detective Radio Tonight...

    Steve Kulls will have as his guest the ever-controversial Jon-Erik Beckjord. The show starts at 9:00 EST/8:00 Central and can be found at Should be an interesting show.

    Articles on J. Richard Greenwell

  • Scientist Makes Strides In Search for Bigfoot

  • Greenwell, J. Richard

    J. Richard Greenwell has traveled to many parts of the world to investigate the evidence for "unverified" animals, those animals hinted at by native folklore or Western eyewitness accounts but which remain unknown to -- or unaccepted by -- systematic zoology. Originally from Surrey, England, Mr. Greenwell spent 6 years in South America, after which he was appointed Research Coordinator of the Office of Arid Lands Studies at the University of Arizona, in Tucson. He has served as Secretary of the International Society of Cryptozoology since its founding in 1982.

    Mr. Greenwell has conducted zoological and cryptozoological fieldwork in the U.S., China, the Congo, Papua New Guinea, several South American countries, and Mexico. His most recent fieldwork was in northern California in August, 1997, when he directed a four-person scientific expedition attempting to obtain evidence for the reported Sasquatch (Bigfoot). In 1991, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Mexico's University of Guadalajara. A member of numerous scientific societies, including the American Society of Mammalogists, Mr. Greenwell is a Fellow of both the Explorers Club (New York) and the Royal Geographical Society (London). He is the author of over 100 scholarly and popular articles, and, since 1993, he has been a columnist for BBC Wildlife magazine, Britain's leading animal conservation publication.

    A guest on many radio and television programs, Mr. Greenwell has also given lectures on cryptozoology at many colleges and universities, scientific institutions, museums, zoos, and aquariums. He has twice been a Smithsonian invited lecturer at the U.S. National Museum of Natural History, in Washington D.C.

    J. Richard Greenwell
    International Society of Cryptozoology (ISC)

    Review: The Sasquatch Experience 3-18-07

    This was a great show, with our good friend Bill Green discussing the latest happenings in the Bigfoot world, including a controversial article by Loren Coleman on Cryptomundo. Our Associate Producer, James Baker was also with us and asked some great questions of Bill. We also discussed a certain disruptive individual and challenged him to call the show, but he didn't take the bait. It was still a great show though, and we had fun doing it. The next program will be Wednesday night and will be a discussion of the recent Bigfoot Live program which had Greg Long, Philip Morris and Bob Heironimus on. Then, our next guest next Sunday will be ABS President Melissa Hovey. Our Wednesday program begins at 9:30 EST, and the Sunday program starts at 9:00 EST and both can be found at As always, please tune in and support great research.

    Sasquatch Experience Tonight...

    Sean will hopefully be back with us, along with our Associate Producer James Baker, who is doing a great job. Our guest is good friend to the Bigfoot community Mr. Bill Green. The show starts at 9:00 Eastern/8:00 Central and can be found at As always, we encourage you to please tune in and support great research.

    A few things to consider about Bob Heironimus’ tall tale./For those who have not read Greg Long’s book

    by John Green, Used with Permission

    1) He and his attorney tried to sell the story in the late 1990’s

    2) He initially told Greg Long he had nothing to do with Patterson’s attempted Bigfoot documentary.

    I can tell you all I know about Patterson in about five minutes.” p 145

    I didn’t, you know, run around with him, I just knew him.” p 146

    Were you part of that movie? No,” he answered flatly. p 147

    Yeah, I knew who he was, and I rode horses with him a couple of times, you know, and you know, this is just riding in the mountains. That wasn’t any film documentary or anything.” p 148

    So are you saying you weren’t in that movie he was producing? Well, I’m not going to say that. No.” p 149

    How many hours do you think you spent with Patterson?...My whole life?...I don’t know, maybe two days.” p 151-2

    Long comments: “He had denied anything to do with movie on the South Fork.” Long knew that was a lie because he had a picture showing Heironimus among a group of cowboys photographed during Patterson’s failed attempt to make a documentary. p 154

    3) After studying his first taped interview Greg Long states, “When I finished, I concluded that I didn’t believe Bob Heironimus.” Mrs. Long’s reaction, “He’s lying.” p 152.

    But after Heironimus changes his story to what Long wants to hear: “I can’t find any evidence of Bob’s being a liar.” p 425. He could have found the evidence in his own words in his own book.

    4) Heironimus claims there was an ape suit in his car trunk (in this case in his mother’s car and at her home) for just a single day after he got back from California. In Long’s book five independent witnesses tell of him having such a suit in his car at other times and places. None saw it at his mother’s place.

    The first time Long heard of Heironimus he was told about the suit, and that it was in Heironimus’ car for a long time. Les Johnson -- “There was an ape suit. Bob Heironimus wore it.”….”I was in the Idle Hour Tavern in Wiley City.” ….”Bob Heironimus said that in the back of his Buick—he had a blue Buick—was an ape suit, or a suit. They were talkin’ about this suit. …”Everybody in town talked about it.”… “They were making fun about this suit, like, ‘We’re going to fool everybody’.”…”The Idle Hour Tavern’s where we’d go to congregate, lie to each other, and tell these big stories and try to make out like we was somethin’.”.

    Long asks, “Do you remember any discussion about Bigfoot, or Bigfoot pranks?”

    All the time.”…..”He apparently carried this thing in his car for a long time.” p 47-48

    Gary Johnson – “That suit Bob wore was observed in the trunk of a car right outside that famous water hole down there in Wiley City.” p 51

    John Ballard – Long asks him, ‘Was Heironimus capable of running around like a Bigfoot in the Yakima Valley?” Ballard, “Not beyond him. I think he did it to scare people.”…”I’ve heard rumors, yeah. Just like the rumor of Bob Heironimus having the Bigfoot suit, which was made out of horsehide.”… I never saw it, but what I heard was it was gray horsehide. I heard it was in Bob Heironimus’ car.”p 232

    Merle Warehime – “Bob Heironimus was the guy who wore the monkey suit. It was always a joke.” When Long suggests Heironimus might have put on a costume to help Patterson convince the public of the existence of Bigfoot, Warehime responds: “I don’t think it was that complicated….It was kind of fun, go get drunk, put the suit on and run out in front of somebody, you know.” Long says he was told that the suit was in Warehime’s Circle Inn Tavern and Warehime says he has heard that but it was when he was gone for a couple of days. “So you never saw the suit yourself?” “In the back of the car, yeah.” “Oh, you did see it?”…”I believe we were out in the Ahtanum by that old church.” p 331

    Bob Hammermeister – “Yep. It was probably at Wiley City. There was a bunch of us…I seen something in the car, a big old pile of fur there was what it was…I think it was in the trunk.”

    Did Bob say it was a Bigfoot suit?” “ Yeah.” p 397

    Hammersmeister is the only one who mentions seeing the suit after the Patterson movie was made. The others were talking about the previous year when there was a rash of local reports of Bigfoot sightings, or perhaps even earlier.

    These statements set out clearly that Heironimus was the one who had an ape suit and that he was using it to stage Bigfoot ‘sightings’ for the amusement of himself and his friends A connection with Roger Patterson is suggested only by Greg Long, and in one case is specifically denied--although making a fool of Patterson may have been the origin of the game.

    5) Heironimus drew a map of his supposed trip to Bluff Creek, indicating that he met Patterson and Gimlin at Willow Creek and they drove west from there before turning onto the Bluff Creek Road. Long, who knew that Willow Creek was many miles west of the Bluff Creek turnoff persuaded him to change his story. p 347-8 and 366-7

    6) Heironimus told of seeing a rodeo banner at Happy Camp on his way to Bluff Creek. Long later learned there had never been a rodeo at Happy Camp and decided it must have been a banner for the Bigfoot Jamboree on Labor Day weekend, therefore the film must have been shot in early September—weeks before the leaves would have turned red. p 420

    7) Heironimus drew a map of the area where he said the film was made, showing that they went two and a quarter miles up the Bluff Creek road to the place where they were camped, and another half a mile to the film site, a total of two and three quarter miles from the Klamath highway. p 366. The actual distance, on a twisting dirt road, is more than 10 times that.

    8) Heironimus not only does not know where the film site is, he is also not at all familiar with the film, since it shows Patterson and Gimlin with three different horses, and he mentions only two, even claiming that he had to ride double behind Gimlin. p 348

    9) To anyone who saw the film site before time altered it, Heironimus’ story makes it immediately obvious that he was never there. He tells of Patterson and Gimlin helping him to put the suit on and to stand up, then, “I started walking. I came to the creek. I walked through the sand.” p 349

    He does not know that the creek bottom is not sand, but slippery rocks that are best walked on carefully, or that on the far side he would have encountered a vertical cut in the bank of the sandbar which was more than two feet high (it shows in the film) that would have been an unforgettable obstacle for a man in a suit with legs so stiff he needed help to get to his feet from a sitting position.

    10) Heironimus continued, pointing at a map he had drawn, “I walked across here—through a few trees right here, maybe a downed log in here and some brush. Anyway I turned right here and looked at them. I looked back twice. I walked a little ways further towards these trees right here on the right. They said ‘Cut! That’s it!’ Here’s this big blow-over [uprooted tree]. I jumped down in this hole.” … “Why did you jump in the hole?” “I was afraid of getting shot’…. “It was October, you know. They did have hunters down there.” P 349

    He is obviously not aware of what is plain on the film, that the creature was always on the same side of the creek, that for a considerable time it disappears from the camera’s view as it walks through the trees, that when it emerges it is much too far away for anyone walking beside a noisy creek (and supposedly wearing a padded headpiece) to have heard anyone say anything. Aside from that, since the sandbar is in the creekbed there could never have been a large tree there to blow over and leave a hole.

    Note also that although Heironimus places the event in October, and in hunting season, later he apparently accepts Long’s conclusion that because of the “rodeo banner” the filming must have been in early September. Heironimus’ readiness to change elements of his story whenever someone else proposes a different version suggests that he thinks that the others may be telling the truth and might even be able to prove it, while he knows that he is lying.


    For those who have not read Greg Long’s book, and those like me who failed to appreciate what they were reading, there is on pages 47 and 48 a very clear outline of the actual role played by Bob Heironimus. In recounting an interview with Les Johnson, an Ahtanum Valley rancher, Long writes:

    “There was an ape suit. Bob Heironimus wore it.”

    I couldn’t speak. Had I found the man who played Bigfoot in Patterson’s film? Was the mystery over?

    “Bob Heironimus,” I finally managed to let out.”

    “Yep, Bob Heironimus,” he repeated with a big grin. “I was in the Idle Hour Tavern in Wiley City. There were fifteen or twenty guys, some of the guys that hung around with Roger. The guys were drinkin’ and talkin’ about things they had been doin’. Bob Heironimus said that in the back of his Buick—he had a blue Buick—was an ape suit, or a suit. They were talkin’ about this suit. Someone said, ‘What are you talkin’ about?’ And someone said, ‘Go and look in the back of Bob’s Buick.’ The guys were teasing each other about it. Everybody in town talked about it. There were lots of guys who sat around and talked about it.”

    I probed deeper into his memories of this event. He recalled that among the onlookers grouped around Heironimus’s car were the Ridge Runners, members of a jeep club. Johnson was either walking toward to (sic) the tavern or leaving it. “I heard them talkin’ when I went by. They were laughin’ and gigglin’. They were makin’ fun about this suit, like ‘We’re going to fool everybody.’ I mean, I got that opinion. But you couldn’t fool us. We all lived here.” He chuckled and then added: “The ‘monkey suit’ is what they called it. There’s four Heironimus boys, Bob, and Bill. Bill worked for me for a while. Then there’s Howard and Mike. The Idle Hour Tavern’s where we’d go to congregatge, lie to each other, ad tell these big stories and try to make out like we was somethin’.’

    I asked, “Do you remember any discussion about Bigfoot, or Bigfoot pranks?”

    “All the time.”

    “Inside the tavern?”

    Everywhere. It was just a hoax to me. And the group that we run with were all cowboys. We were up there in the hills runnin’ cows,, and you never seen any of those guys up there. It all took place down at the gab station [the Idle Hour Tavern].”

    Farther down the page, Long asks:

    “Who is this Bob Heironimus?”

    “Well, I think he works for Pepsi-Cola. He must be getting’ old enough to retire. He apparently carried this thing around in his car for a long time.”